--goodbye, the future's sold out--
8:39 am & Jun. 16, 2003

Sounds in the morning annoy the hell out of me. Especially when my parents are the producers of the sounds. Take my father for example. He can't gently open a door. He has this uncontrollable urge to shake the door to bits before opening it causing a chain reaction of other creaks and groans, resulting in me waking up and extremely pissed off. It's not that I'm not a morning person, but I'm an insomniac that is woken up by the air conditioner coming on and I know there's a temperature change.

The sound doesn't even have to be in my room to wake me up! My brother's alarm goes off down the hall, my mother stumbles her way up and down the stairs, a hall light turns on, a toilet flushes -- through all this, I wake up.

Sometimes I wish I was prone to exaggeration -- then maybe I'd sleep more.

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