--any second you'll be wrapped around my finger--
10:27 am & Jun. 29, 2007

I probably shouldn't admit this, but I almost beat the living shit out of an old woman this morning on my way to work. I had to stop at a Hess gas station this morning, which happens to be the only gas station nearby as well as the TINIEST I have ever come across. There are only two pumps making only enough space for four cars to fill up simultaneously and absolutely NO room for people to crowd the thruway.

So I'm between the two pumps and finished and would merrily be on my way if an old bat hadn't pulled up behind the truck beside me and another truck pulls up behind me. Directly behind the old woman is... GASP... an empty parking spot! I pull my car up a little to let her know I need to get out and she is BLOCKING my way. She reverses a smidgen but then stops and looks at me with her dumb cow face.

This continues for approximately 5 minutes as I nudge forward, ready to push her car completely out of the way if I must, and honk my horn obnoxiously. I was making eye contact with this biddy, so I know she wasn't blind as well as dumb. I was ready to get out of the car and beat her with a baseball bat.

What keeps me from committing homicide is the spot to my left finally frees up and I do a three-point turn to get out of the damned spot. Believe you me, if I had had a truck instead of a car... that old lady would have been UNDER my tires.

I haven't felt that violently infuriated in a long time... I swear that I'm really NOT that aggressive usually. Actually, Trav always makes fun of me and turns on my four-ways when I drive cos I'm a really defensive driver. Evidently that doesn't mean I'm not subject to road rage as much as the next person. Watch out.

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