--Wir halten diese Wahrheiten f�r ausgemacht--
3:40 pm & Nov. 27, 2006

I'm procrastinating on a German paper on Minna von Barnhelm. When I read over it, I always get a bit excited that I'm writing that much in German which must mean something to somebody other than me. But then I remember that Dr. Scott destroys my pathetic excuse for grammar every time I have a conference with him and I die a little on the inside. Oh well, it's almost complete. I think this will be the last draft and then the final copy. Wheeeeeee!!!

Other than that, I'm getting more and more excited about Alabama. Travis is starting to train for it already and, within three weeks, he's gonna have beautiful, beautiful abs all ready to be used on the slopers of HP40. I certainly picked a good time to officialize the relationship... haha! I love it when I sound superficial... ANYWAY!

Unfortunately this is the week I need to take a break from climbing because I killed myself last week and my right arm is useless as of now. Hopefully by next week I'll be sort of alright enough to climb again.

I lucked out with my LDE presentation this Wednesday. I have to help my aunt move out of her house and it's all the way on the other side of the river (nowhere close to LVC) and I didn't feel like trucking it back to campus to give a stupid one hour presentation. Gene is letting me reschedule it so it should all be good.

I guess this is enough distracting myself. There are things that need to be done and I might as well finish it now or get caught under a waterfall of work. Much love.

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