--I know you can't work in fast food all your life--
10:01 am & Sept. 22, 2004

A lot has been done within the time I last wrote. Such as I started preparing the course of my life over the next three and a half years. I have talked to Maynard ((Academic Advisor)) about double-majoring and he seems delighted with my ambition. I really hope I can handle the load. I will incredibly upset if I burnout.

Secondly, I finally got around to sending Hearson ((band director)) the two stand tunes and I really hope he reads them and lets us use them. I hope he doesn't think I'm sending him some kind of virus and decides to delete it before even reading it.

Oh, I bombed my Calc test and I am slowly getting over the pain of it. I started to correct the test so I can hand it back in.

I work tonight, so that blows big time. Speaking of Subway, Dwight is ready to quit. I would say that I am sad about it, but Subway is getting really fucking ridiculous again as we hire more idiots. I probably won't quit just because I like being able to call off whenever for whatever.

Other than that, caffiene is my new best friend. I am getting at least 6-7 hours of sleep, but I am still always exhausted. I even am eating better in hopes to keep my energy up. But I can feel myself crash after there is no more caffiene in my system. Like, I hate to admit it, but I have been depending on coffee lately. The crash is probably the suckiest part of it all. Oh well, whatever. ((I'm noticing a trend in how I deal with problems.... have you?))

Off to attempt more Calc.

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