--roll to me--
4:44 pm & May. 06, 2004

Day One of No Dwight. It hasn't been too bad. I took my second ((and final)) AP English test. It wasn't nearly as painful as the first one. Literature is a bit easier to me than strict composition. I'm positive most people would agree with me on that.

I got a letter in the mail yesterday saying that I will be receiving an award at the Senior Awards program. I am seriously surprised by this. Any class I do well in, Sarah Grove ((our valedictorian)) is in as well. I didn't stand a chance. Well, sort of, I guess.

Anyway, gas prices are hurting my pocket. Love the car and the freedom, hate the price. Goddamn, that almost sounds mature.

Last night was the last choral concert I will have attended at East High. It was... alright until Rising's girls got up there. It's not the girls' fault. Rising has awful taste in music. It's simple.

Out of here to be responsible and please the parental units.

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