--video killed the radio star... or it was just me--
6:54 pm & May. 03, 2004

I am destined to be forever humble. Not because I am a naturally humble person or anything, but because problems seem to arise wherever I go. Such as my visit to LVC - as Mike and I stood on the stairs to get our photo ID taken, I took a horrendous spill on the stairs in front of everyone. It was one of those falls where your arms and legs fly up so for a split second your entire body is parallel to the ground. Yeah, just a tad humbling.

Then on Sunday, I had a recital in which I played my flute for Steve's composition. Oh, boy, did I ever royally screw that up. It was one of those situations where I would prefer people to forget it rather than the "Good job, Christine." Thankfully, I had told Brittany that I was going to leave early because of a Caffier project due the next day.

Speaking of that project, guess what happened to it. That's right, folks. I forgot the project at home. I didn't even remember it until I was walking into school and realized that there was no time to rush home and get it. Then there was the AP English Test I had to take as soon as I got to school. I forgot about that too. I did terribly, it is a fact.

I could never be arrogant. Experience simply will not let me. I fall down everywhere [more than usual lately... prom should be interesting] or I'll make a mistake so huge that I won't be able to deal with it until a bigger mishap happens.

On a good note... my parents are letting me go to Cedar Point! Karma.

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