--whiskey on a sunday--
8:08 pm & Apr. 27, 2004

Dammit. Today could have been just a little less embarressing. Dwight knows what I'm talking about. That boy has so much dirt on me that he could blackmail the hell out of me if he wasn't so lazy. So, yeah, my car most definitely has a scratch on it that I wish I could take a No. 2 pencil and erase it. I'm hoping the parents will never notice it. :: squeezes her eyes and crosses her fingers and taps on wood with her little toe ::

You'd think by now that I wouldn't have any serious deadlines anymore, considering that I know where I'm going for college. Nope. There is most definitely like three major deadlines within the next three weeks. Two things for Caffier and one for Lavelle. I want to shoot myself in the cranium.

Oh, yeah, so I've started to drive my neighbor's daughter, Marissa, to keep peace for my rents' sake. And, um, yeah... I remember why I never liked working with her. Because she's a fucking retard! The girl was trying to PLUCK HER EYEBROWS IN MY CAR!! Of course, I wouldn't have it, so I gave a really hard left turn and grinned as I heard her screech, "OW!!" I'm not malicious, but, if I'm not going to do my eyebrows in my car... I certainly do not want your tweezed hairs littering my floor.

Off to attempt studying for my placement test on Saturday... study, heh, what a joke.

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