--can't stop touching my danger zone--
12:02 am & Apr. 19, 2004

So elsewhere in the world is little old me smugly smiling. Prom-craze has finally enticed me enough to be excited for it. I bought a dress this weekend. Imagine this: white with black polka dots and strapless. I am so psyched. It's the craziest dress I have ever seen, yet very tasteful and flattering for a boobless girl like me.

In this area where rain drenched the land, it has turned out to be a searing 80 degrees this weekend. I unfortunately have not been enjoying it completely because of work. :: frown :: Subway has been pissing me off lately. Extremely busy and people screwing over other people and cheap-ass bosses... makes me growl in anger. Now that I finally have my own transportation, I am currently searching for another job.

The inevitable arrives: an update on Dwightland. The boy only ever wears t-shirts with khakis. I made him try on a pair Gap jeans and a nice shirt. He was sizzling hot, but he hated it. He really doesn't like jeans, evidently. I am saddened because he was gorgeous [not that he wasn't gorgeous before, I'm just saying that he surprised me that it could get better]. But his fashion sense isn't why I'm dating him.

He had a stomach ache today. I made him eat peppermints and rubbed his back. I love to baby him. It makes me feel important.

Well, I'm off to slumberland.

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