--don't you come to me with all your color-coded quotes--
11:01 am & Jul. 08, 2006

I am so sore. Reel Big Fish at Chameleon was last night and before I go on how great the first two bands, I must express my disappointment in RBF. They fucked around a lot when they should have played more music. I don't mind onstage antics, but they just wasted a lot of time which sucks cos they are such good musicians. Disappointment.

On the flip side, the first two bands, Whole Wheat Bread and Streetlight Manifesto, kicked ass!! Whole Wheat Bread was punk rock with amazing energy and a wicked sense of humor (they were all black and they began by rapping how they can play harder, faster, better than half the punk bands out there). It made the little punk inside me so happy. Streetlight Manifesto was ska to the upteen-th degree and it was almost non-stop music.

I sort of suspected I was going to be disappointed in RBF cos I wasn't feelin it at all beforehand. I'm in a funk right now and I'm making progress on why I am so bummed.

I really miss school (as nerdy as that sounds). I'm working SO MUCH but it doesn't mean anything in the long-run. At least during the school year, I am reminded constantly what I'm working towards and I can see progress. At the same time, I'm scared shitless to go back this semester after such a rough spring semester. I dunno... I'm in a funk.

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