--I am a band geek--
5:30 p.m. & 2003-04-08

Oh man, I love being smart. Today, in band, our band director, Mr. Miller, was not in school which left the student teacher, Mr. Cozen, in charge. Previously, Mr. Cozen had been mortified on numerous occasions. He was given the name of Mantee Man ((although, personally, mantees have more intelligence and cuter than he is)). A hundred-some kids + 1 immature dumbass = mischief

The grandest part of this situation is that I, 2nd chair in the flutes, sits almost directly in front of the man. He tells us to play the F scale. Half the band plays the F scale and the other half plays a weird mixture of B-flat, G, and D-flat scales. The brilliant man that Cozen thinks he is, he compliments us on how much better we sound. :: blink blink :: What was he smoking before class?

As the class continues, he makes us play this petty piece of music consisting of boring whole and half notes. The dignified and mature musicians that my four friends and I are, play down thirds, up octaves, and in completely different keys. It was the most disgusting sound I've ever heard! And he still thinks we were doing better?! But the punchline in it all was when we began to play completely different songs! In the middle of a soft, slow song you here three flutes plying ragtime! The stupidity of the man was overwhelming...

Thank you for indulging my band geek moment.

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