--life is a cycle... sometimes--
8:27 pm & Aug. 29, 2004

Mmmmm, college life. The truth be told, it's been pretty full so far. Quite a bit overwhelming at times. Like yesterday, when everyone else had their parents to help them get settled in, I was sitting around, hoping they'd just show up. They did show up, but by then I had to go off and have orientation meetings.

I haven't had a real desire to meet people, but I'm making friends here and there. Like this chick, Nicole, from Middletown (she's a commuter as well). She is freaking hilarious. During the convocation, which was boring as hell, we just talked and laughed the entire time. The best line in LVC's Alma Mater had to be the "We forever remember the debt we owe." We yelled that line during the singing. Pretty freaking hysterical at that point in time.

Other than that, Marching Band is the greatest thing ever to happen. The band is just amazing in music and marching. It's like how East was, but better because I know less jackasses than I did in East. It's completely different than last year. Last year, I had so much responsibility and I didn't feel as if I was doing a good enough job and I came home wanting to cry every night because I was so miserable. This year... no freaking worries!! I looooooove it.

Dwight is missing me and I miss him a lot. We went from seeing each other every day, to not seeing each other for four to five days in a row. I taped pictures of us all over my car's dashboard. It's the only way I can be sure to see him every day. It's my traveling dorm room (minus the bed and roommate).

Only three years until I end college...

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