--i want to jump on your head until i get blisters--
2:38 p.m. & 2002-11-30

Absolutely nothing exciting going on right now. Contemplating lately on college and friends. Speaking of friends, did I mention I saw Dan Fessendan on Wed? I went out with him back in 9th grade for like a month and a half. I always thought he was real cute, but he dyed his hair black and got scruffy... I liked it. Too bad when we were going out, I knew he was falling for Cassie. That hurt... and when I saw him on Wed, I was really happy seeing him! But, then he's like "Maybe I'll see Cassie." -_- :: growls :: Go figure right...? Cassie never dated him ((thank the heavens for that, cuz I don't think I could have handled that situation very well)).

Oh well... I love my friends and I hope I can always appreciate them.

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