--1 down and 3.6--
10:46 pm & Oct. 27, 2004

I wrote a long entry earlier, but, yeah, Diaryland --along with every other thing today-- took a gigantic dump on me. And, goddamn, it was a toilet-clogging, slurpy, smelly pile of horseshit too. In other words, it didn't save it and I was too pissed to retype the whole entry ((which is a shame, considering I wasn't nearly as whiny as I will be now)).

To put it mildly, it was a bad day. I'm surprised I have not broken down into tears ((yes, people, I am a crybaby and I cry about everything)). It's also noteworthy that I haven't spazzed out on any customers or friends or family members today. Steph got a little pissed with me, but she has this weird belief that because she bitches and moans to me, I must bitch and moan about everything to her.

However, I'd rather sulk over my misfortune and be sullen for hours than talk about it. Especially when people badger me. As we've learned from the past, I don't work well under bullying. In fact, I react completely opposite of the desired effect. Oops.

Anyway, I haven't told any specifics and probably sound like a complete asshole. That's okay though, because I could care less.

Thank God that tomorrow is another attempt at a good day

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