--its 4:00 am and I just passed the westside buildings with all the broken glass--
7:36 pm & Jan. 28, 2004

Sometimes, I wish I could just keep my grotesquely babbling mouth shut. Today, in gym, I said some comments that I later regretted. Not that I don't trust Petey or Michelle, they're nice enough to remain silent, but I wish I could censor myself a little. Last weekend, working with Stephanie, she said I was the only one she worked with that she told everything to. I wonder at the wisdom of that. I wouldn't say I'm a terrible gossip... but I do tend to say (or write) things that I wish I had just been quiet about. But I do have a damned loose tongue.

Other than that, Dwight gave me a surprise note this morning. Very cute... it was a poem. After listening to such sappy bands, like Ataris or GetUpKids, I wondered if I'd ever find one of those incredibly cute and sensitive guys that make songs like "Song For A Mix Tape." I always wondered if it was just a ploy by guys to reel girls in, or if there was real emotion behind the lyrics. I guess I found myself a guy like that. And as happy as I am to find him, I wonder if I'll ever listen to those songs the same way I listened to them before -- with complete empathy and comfort. If I was to listen to it now, I'd shudder.

I would shudder because the lyrics speak of a girl who ripped the heart out of an undeserving lover. What if I was to be that girl?? The girl who never meant to hurt him, but does by accident... or worse, deliberately hurts him.

I'm going to leave for my wonderous Xbox now. ^_^

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