--i'm just bad news--
6:06 pm & Mar. 05, 2006

I must be the most boring college student in existance. I am currently on spring break and all I have done so far is work at Sears. Wait, last night I went to Borders and spent money. However, one of the books is The End of Poverty by Jeffrey Sachs for my term paper so that doesn't count as recreation whatsoever. I have spent A LOT of money on books this semester and it has just hit me. I'm not even taking a full 15 credits either!

Tonight is Austin's birthday and I am not prepared at all for him. I have no birthday card, no present, nothing. I'd feel worse about it except that Austin has never been an exceptionally close friend. Hell, I never even knew his birthday until last Wednesday and I've known him since 7th grade! He is a nice guy though so I'm gonna make an appearance and give him a hug and then go home to read my book.

The only thing I'm a bit apprehensive about is that we're eating at a steakhouse. Uhhhh, vegetarian! I can smell the blood in meat now and it grosses me out a lot. Even if I eat beforehand, I'm anxious that I may get nauseated. Well, we'll see...

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