--one hand on the trigger of a telephone--
9:22 pm & Oct. 16, 2003

Hmm... originally, I was going to bitch and moan for a while -- but I realize that I have been negative just much too long.

I just read my brother's body spray, AXE, and found it quite amusing. "Just hold can 6 inches from your body and spray it on your underarms, chest, neck - all the hot spots," it reads. Now, I know my brother couldn't have bothered to really read the side, but do the manufacturers really think that kind of phrasing work? Can a person feel "hot" just because their body spray told them that they would be hot?

That brings us to an amusing situation way back in 6th grade. Instead of our usual trays, we were given styrofoam trays with "Don't Do Drugs" and "Recycle" at the top. We used to laugh and claim how we were all going to be good, little kids just because our trays told us to be. If the point of those messages was to simply be read, then I guess it is a success. Otherwise, what a load of crap.

Christine is the coolest cat in the world.

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