--all i ever craved were the two dreams i shared with you--
12:33 am & Feb. 06, 2006

I had made a prediction that this year would be one hell of a dramatic year. I've been absolutely 100% correct so far and it's only the beginning of February. Luckily, I have had no direct role in any of it and I can just sit back, gleefully amused by all that happens around me. I don't need reality tv... I live in a constant state of Real World.

At school, I have been making some new friends in the commuter lounge, which is nice. Nice enough. There are still a lot more people at school that I dislike than like.

Oh yeah, Steelers won the Superbowl tonight and there were no wardrobe malfunctions, but nor were there are hysterically funny commercials either. That was kinda sad. Ah... well... whatever.

Now, I'm reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally tired. Good night.

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