--never quite as it seemed--
11:59 pm & Oct. 11, 2003

Two entries in one day -- my life must be exciting! Heh, not really.

Anyway, my cousin's girlfriend was such a sweetheart. She has my 100% approval because she was super polite and kind and friendly. She defines the word "cute" as she exuded it to the tips of her blonde hair. I'm proud of you, grasshopper. I was happy to help out with the party and talk to my aunt. Very gratifying to find someone I can talk to without censure.

We mostly talked about how royally screwed Eric will be when it comes to applying for college money. His parents are still together, he's white, middle-class AND he's a boy. He'll be lucky to get a cent for college.

This night also got me to another train of thought. If I ever consider any guy to date, he better have refined manners. I want a guy who I can take home with me and can eat with my family without blinking an eye. I no longer feel the need to cut myself off completely from my family ((not since freshman year, surprisingly)) -- I don't want to live with my parents for the rest of my life though. But I would definitely appreciate someone who I wouldn't have to worry about bringing home.

I'm not asking for Prince Charming -- just the boy next door.

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