--shooting myself in the foot--
5:50 pm & Mar. 09, 2004

The truth is... things don't always work out. Sometimes, you can screw up so badly that you may as well as describe the situation as "trying to fail and succeeding." That's what I did. I tried to be an overachiever and ended up shooting myself in the foot. And I'm not just talking about college. I'm talking about everything right now.

I've done a fine job at screwing around and being lazy and enjoying myself, while I should have been writing scholarship essays. I say horrible things and regret them later, but I never try to get rid of my habit. I act so inconsiderate and I take everything for granted. I am blissfully unaware of my obligations only to find them piled upon my shoulders by the tons.

Yeah, I preach and preach about being optimistic and karma... but I say those things when I believe them. The unfortuante thing about beliefs is that they waver. Right now, they're crashing.

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