-the Neo-Nazi Christian kid--
9:59 pm & Nov. 08, 2003

I'm not angry or offended about what was said to me... just highly distburbed. There is a new worker at Subway and his name is Justin. This kid worked harder and faster than anyone I've worked with yet. Well, tonight, we had to close together and we got on the subject of Christianity and beliefs ((an easy subject to start considering the constant playing of Christian music)). This kid, Justin, looks me straight in the eye and told me that I am going to hell.


Yeah, I was pretty disturbed by this announcement. Evidently, no matter how good of a person I am, as long as I don't believe in God and Jesus, I will be going to hell. That means all you Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and all the other religions -- I'm sorry, you're out of luck. All of you are going to hell.

I'm sorry for anyone who shares this belief. That is such a depressing way to view life. So many people, so many kind and decent people... all condemned to a fiery afterlife because of a personal choice that was quite possibly highly influenced by birth? If that's God's idea of righteousness... that is plain stupidity.

I hope I never work with this kid ever again.

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