--happy endings are for suckers...--
11:21 pm & Aug. 15, 2003

Closed with Holly tonight and she asked how my parents came to be high-school sweethearts ((her parents are high-school sweethearts as well)). Well, my story was a tad more complicated than hers. My mom's story is amazing and I totally could become a bestseller author if I wrote her story. Someday, I will -- when she decides to tell me everything. But here's what I have so far ((shortened)):

Grew up outside Saigon in a small village and was poor. At age 15, she was working for a rich American couple inside the city. Americans begin to evacuate Vietnam and this couple decide to take my mom with them as a slave-girl. Fortunately, the military interferes and take my mom into their custody as an orphan. My mom ends up in Pennsylvania without any knowledge of the language. She eventually gets adopted by a nice doctor and goes to McDevitt high school. As a senior, she meets Anthony ((my dad)) who is this amazing jock ((captain of wrestling team no less)) and incredibly smart guy. He becomes her tutor and they fall in love and marry. And they lived happily ever after. The End.

Hehe, not really the end. That's the extremely shortened version, but you get the idea. The story is fantastic and sounds like real fantasy, but it's all true! For like five years, her parents truly thought she was dead and it was pure luck she ever got back in touch with them. It's funny though, because she's had this amazing life and rich history... what about me? Am I going to be like every other girl? Graduate, get a job, get a husband, then a dog? That's it?! I dunno... makes me feel pointless sometimes, knowing my mom's story. Like all my anxieties and dreams are unimportant and bland compared to my mom's examples of courage and determination.

Happy endings may be for suckers, but it sucks to be someone else's happy ending.

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