9:59 am & Oct. 22, 2004

I think I'm dying. No, I mean seriously, my body is completely out of whack.

I think I either have a really bad ulcer in my mouth or I have cancer. Not really sure which, because my mouth doesn't hurt whatsoever. I would be more excited to go see a dentist, but I have an appointment in two weeks, so I'm not bothering. If it goes away, no cancer; if it doesn't, my dentist can tell me, right??

I am also having some... womanly issues. Last time I was having bladder problems, but I got antiboitics and no problem. These things happen. Now it's something totally different and I haven't a freaking clue what could be wrong now. I should probably go see a gyno and get properly checked, but I don't have freaking time to even place the call. However, because I feel so crappy, I might be motivated to place the call.

Now you see why I think I'm dying.

Also, as I was searching online for possible illnesses matching my symptoms, there was this really fucking nosy kid from my English class who decided to look over my shoulder. First of all, this kid annoys me in class and I do my best to avoid him. Secondly, I have womanly problems, why the hell are you looking over my shoulder? Thirdly, that's just rude.

Now I will be bearing a grudge against him and I don't feel any need to forgive him.

The only reason I'm even typing all this personal shit up is because now that someone I don't even know or care about is digging into my life, I might as well complain to the other people who I do care about.

Thanks for letting me bitch.

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