--whatever you want is fine by me--
8:53 am & Oct. 16, 2006

Fall Break. And what do I plan doing with it? Sit inside my house and study. The sad part is that there is a part of me really content at the prospect of staying inside all day and not going anywhere. However I doubt that will happen. By 6pm, I will probably get a call from someone, somewhere, wanting to do something and I will leave my nest.

I think I've aged ten years in the past few months. I plan and organize all these events for my clubs and school; I enjoy that part a lot. It's like working on a puzzle without all the pieces at once, so it's definitely a challenge. Then I realize I have to actually attend the events and I die a little bit on the inside... The kids in the Commuter Lounge are nice enough, very motivated and smart, but... not my kind of fun really. In fact, I don't even know what my kind of fun is anymore.

I have fun at Climbnasium and shopping for music and books. I have fun just sitting around with people I like and doing nothing. I have fun with drumline when we go on adventures. I like thinking about all the places I'll travel to or the things I'll do when I get there when I'm finally out of college. Other than that, I can't really say that I'm all about the fun that I was having during the summer.

I told Travis the other night that prior to a party, I've started to dread them. Until I start feeling a buzz, I want to run away. Then I do get into the swing of things and I have a lot of fun and I'm incredibly happy that I didn't miss the event. I haven't a clue where this dread came from but I wish it wasn't here. That's no fun.

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