--when your heart cries "this isn't happening!"--
4:44 pm & Aug. 01, 2003

:: yawn :: Another day of oblivion. I came home last night from seeing The Hulk at the $2 theater to find a dead animal on my doorstep. It being almost one in the morning, I kicked it to the side and went in. It was still there in the morning and apparently is a dead, baby rabbit. Sounds like my dog was loose last night. Evidently, he has dug a hug hole in the backyard and now is not allowed to run around until we fix it.

My mailbox has yet to make my schedule appear. School starts in less than 24 days and I have no idea what my classes actually are. Typical school district.

My brother was in Philly yesterday with my father and we've discovered that the state will not give my brother ((or me)) money for college because my father "makes too much damned money" [to quote my brother]. The ironic part of it is that my parents refuse to dish out any money for me when I head off to college. Every little bit would help, but they're not going to even be giving me a little. The minute I graduate from high school, they're moving down to Florida with my little sister ((well, possibly)). :: sighs :: Going to work now.

To put it plainly... this sucks.

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