--your white leather couch is with that wallet full of cash--
1:20 p.m. & 2003-05-08

One of my Disney heroes was Meg from Hercules. The actress has this fantastic voice that is always sultry and sarcastic. The character and voice were my ideal representation of sexy. And today I discovered I could never be that kind of sexy.

As to why this is so mind-blowing, I don't know; but, perhaps, you're wondering why I've come to this conclusion. Well... there are two good reasons. 1) I talk way too much. I am an opinionated butterfly that has to know everything that's happening to everyone. 2) I laugh at everything. These aren't those sultry chuckles or light giggling... I give full laughs that will overpower any other kind of sound.

Yes, I am definately never going to be sexy. However, I'm not overly giddy, so somehow I manage to be a social butterfly while being considered level-headed. Perhaps 2 + 2 = 5 once in a while.

This has been meaningful examination of Christine's conflicting personalities.

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