--so like a fool, blue moon, i believed him and i walked away--
9:34 am & Nov. 19, 2006

New York City... my reaction was not really what I had been expecting. We visited the United Nations building, ate at a fantastic German restaurant, visited an enormous used book store (put down the credit card and step away!), and killed time by walking around. It was nice to visit and say that I've been there now... but... maybe it was that the people I hung out with aren't my exceptionally close friends... maybe it was because I went to NYC without a real purpose... either way, it was kind of boring and dirty. I just didn't feel the excitement that everyone likes to have when they talk about NYC. Oh well.

Today I have start working on my two German papers and presentation. Yeah that is going to be a blast. Yuck.

On the flipside, tonight is my work's Christmas party and red dress time! And I get to go climb and belay some birthday party and that is usually fun. Yay!

It's days like these where I have to work first and play later that I drag my feet. I want the work to be completed, but I don't want to be the one to do it. I've been like that a lot lately. Ever since that week from hell, I've just given up trying to work so hard. All my work is getting done (how? I haven't a clue...) but motivation is lacking.

Ahh well, could be worse. Knock on wood.

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