--more than wanted--
12:05 am & Mar. 07, 2004

Ranting... I need a good rant. So I was called into work an hour and a half earlier than I was supposed to be there. I'm okay with that; it happens too often to be pissed about it. It was the mixture of constant stream of customers and only Justin and I working that sent me off the edge. From 4:30 to 9, there was not a second of relaxation. We did not even start on the closing list until after we had already closed. That means we were 2 hours behind. I was working until 11 and not happy one bit about it.

The only that keeps me from quitting is that I just received a raise. A tiny raise, but a raise nonetheless. Oh, and Justin burned me a CD of Red Versus Blue episodes for me. I'm so happy they made new episodes!!!

Dwight has officially been assimilated into my family now. I wasn't even near ready when he arrived at my door, so as I went to get a shower and change, he was helping my father move boxes into the basement. Then my father proceeded to tell Dwight to run away in fear of becoming a permanent part of my family. Later, my mother came home in a pissy mood and he discovered my mother's silent treatment I get when she's enraged at the entire world but refuses to explain her anger. It felt very strange to have him in such personal situations. Strange, but pleasant to know he's part of my life.

I have the heart of a Beautiful Boy

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