--this has been said so many times that i'm not sure if it matters--
11:37 am & Apr. 17, 2006

How did everyone enjoy that incredibly pissy entry for Easter? Yeah... it's pathetic. I'll admit it. People should altogether just stop asking how I am. Nothing changes with me until my routine changes which is school and work. Sorry to bore you, but that is how it is with me.

After a 7-hour shift at Sears yesterday, I went to visit my grandmother. We talked. I've begun to notice that when my opinion in our discussion is in opposition of hers, her mouth twitches as she's trying not to smirk at me. The funny part is that I do the same thing (except I actually smirk because I have zero control over my facial expressions). Anyway, we talked about politics and education and social issues since those are all one and the same thing in reality.

My grandmother is hardcore conservative but she began talking about the need of a Revolution over our beloved republic and I wanted to pat her on the back and call her "comrade." My grandmother is the spriest old woman I know, but I also am aware that she still lives in the witchhunt of commies days so when she began talking about revamping our whole government system, I was highly amused. I wasn't aware that my grandmother was such a revolutionary!

However I do have to agree with her. We're starting to come undone at the seams and a lot of it has to do with too many cooks. Our system is overloaded with people shouting at the top of their lungs about the things they wantneed and paying a king's ransom to be heard. Also money is just being sloshed around and it's definitely getting sent down the wrong channels because our public education just sucks. Go to any other developed country and I can garauntee you that a kid in high school knows more about the US and the rest of the world than an American college graduate.

It's not that we're a lazy, stupid society. We just need a hell of a lot less loopholes and bit more structure. This is just an intuitive feeling of mine. I've started mulling it over last year during Public Choice, but nothing has really set in just yet. As of now, I sadly know more about fixing a third world country than my own.

What the hell am I talking about changing the US's public behavior? I am in need of a personal life Revolution!

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