--some people call me the space cowboy--
6:27 pm & Dec. 10, 2003

Steve Frese has been accepted to Allegheny. That means Dane is going to Hawaii, Steve is moving 4 hours away, and I'm staying in the Harrisburg area?? Weird. I always was so certain that I would move away after high school graduation... but I'm not... even if I do get accepted by Dickinson ((and pay for it)), I will only be 30 minutes from this place that I had once wanted so desperately to leave behind.

My one friend and I were talking about online journals and he mentioned how he got sick of reading his friends' journals because of all the melodrama. He stated that just by reading the journals, he felt he was part of it and that it was pure nonsense to be so caught up in other people. But... isn't that the basis on all stories told through literature or movies? Whether by disgust or admiration, we, as humans, are drawn to the drama of other people's lives. Stories can almost always be cut down to a person and how he reacts to his environment and the people in his environment.

I don't use this as an excuse for some people's overdramatics... but it does explain why I like to know what goes on in my peers' [romantic] life. I'll admit... I'm very nosy, especially about relationships. I read trashy romance novels like guys read porno. Romance novels are soooo funny -- the authors tend to not use exclamation points, so it's very cut and dry if you were to read it aloud. That and the women are almost always looking for a guy to "play rough" with her. Is there really this underlying need to feel vulnerable? Of course, I talk mostly about modern romance novels. Jane Austen's novels always showed the heroine as a strong, level-headed woman, whereas today's romantic heroine is strong and horny.

I think I said too much for today...

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