--you'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs--
11:31 pm & Dec. 12, 2003

I'm sick and I know exactly who gave me the cold. He was feverish enough that he didn't show up in school and I wearily muddled through the day. I can't truly complain because it was a good day. During Strength and Conditioning, Mr. Yonchuick was going hardcore at Tae-bo, while Petey and I goofed around behind him ((if he can't see us, we're exercising)). It continually surprises me at how people manage to disregard how foolish they look when they are doing what they enjoy. I guess that explains the funny faces people make during sex ((ever see that SNL episode?)).

Blah... I miss Jack, who is now currently living with my mother's father. I miss being able to see him whenever I wanted. I miss his yaps during stormy nights. I miss being able to hug him whenever I needed to feel loved. I need a hug.

I just thought of how people read my journal and misinterpret what I write about in here. I don't write anything in here that I wouldn't say directly aloud. Hmm... the thought bothered me.

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