--no man could test me, impress me, my cash flow would never ever end--
9:53 pm & Dec. 08, 2004

Poem time!!!

Trapped in a blue jean corset
And a harsh case of fear of herpes -
I question the quality of the air
Each time I breathe.
I thwart each lusty look from each healthy lad
With a scathing glare and flip of hair.

I watched the Billboard Awards while randomly switching to the Josh Groban concert on PBS. I saw Gwen Stefani and Josh Groban sing in one night. It is a good night.

Today, my English prof gave me a nice compliment. He said that anytime he sees me, he can't help but smile. I attribute it to that I smile and laugh at everything. I'm a very chipper girl; why shouldn't I be?

I like making people smile and the easiest way is to smile first. In spite of all my bitterness that you may read in this journal, I like helping people, even if all I can do is give them a hug. Oh, and another note, I laugh at everything so it's pretty easy to be infectious.

Don't look so glum, chum!

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