--I'm ugly and you know, but you say that I'm a poet--
9:12 am & Mar. 27, 2004

Wow, I'm having the worst time trying to form a coherent sentence. This does not pose well for my Lavelle paper, which will be completed before I go to work today ((hopefully!)). I could piss and moan about how much I hate working at Subway, but I feel obligated to talk cheerfully... I have every reason to be.

Nope. I think we're stretching the cynic [me, for those who couldn't figure that out] too far and nothing happy will come out of this entry.

You know I have nothing to talk about when I just considered talking about the weather. Well, since I'm on the subject, I will proceed. Yesterday was a beautiful 70 degree weather and all I could think yesterday was of ice cream. I love getting ice cream in the evening. I think it's better than eating it at noon, under the scorching sun. In the evening, everything is winding down and you don't have to worry about what obligation you have to complete next. All you think about is your ice cream and your company.

I'm a fan of pecan butter ice cream. Yummm...

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