--it's only rape if it's not willing--
7:39 pm & Sept. 16, 2003

Sarcasm is in demand now and I'm fully stocked with new quips. I, quite unintentionally, verbally abused Jen today in drama. I wish I could have just shut my mouth and kept it all to myself -- but it was too funny to keep silent and even Mrs. Caffier was laughing.

Kathryn, my little sister, is extremely sick. So sick that I'm being forced out of the room that we share and sleeping on the couch. Yay! Not only will I be sleeping in peace, but I get to watch tv all night long. Yes, I'm dorky enough to be pleased by watching tv late at night. What a privilege.

Tomorrow the cast list is going to be posted. "Korean Woman #1 - [insert name here]" Blah. As reassuring as that should be, I feel pretty underestimated. Dammit, I know I can out-act 95% of the school! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Mrs. Caffier will surprise me with a juicier part than "Dog tastes good."

Wonderful weather we're having... the calm before the storm.

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