--duels and dumbies--
10:54 pm & Jul. 14, 2003

I could rant about my parents and how annoyed with them I am... but I have a funny work story. ((I hate dwelling on my anger, so I'm going to suppress it. Then I can waste money on my therapy instead of spending it on a nice nursing home my parents))

Chris always has these crazy ideas to entertain us while we work and I, usually, am the only one idiotic enough to go along with them. Today's idea was a duel with the vinegar and oil bottles. These bottles squirt pretty accurately for a long distance and less messy than mayo or mustard. We flipped a coin who would get to choose their weapon first. I won and chose oil, figuring that vinegar won't stain my shirt if Chris happened to get me with it. We stood back-to-back, walked three steps ((it's tiny in the back)), then released our spray of deadly ingredients. Unexpectedly, I feel my eyes burning and realize the vinegar had been aimed directly at my head.

I scream, "MY EYES!!" and stumble to the sink, laughing so hard that I slipped on the floor and fell. I'm now to the point of silence because I'm trying to cry and laugh and successfully manage to make no sound whatsoever. Meanwhile, Chris is rolling on the ground laughing at me and repeating apologies. In the end, I washed out my eyes and find myself almost hysterical. I wasn't angry, but amused and in pain. Perhaps, next time, I'll know better than going along with one of his ideas.

Consider this lesson learned.

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