--watching flies fuck on channel 11--
6:54 pm & Jan. 31, 2005

Life gets busy and it seems to only get busier. The moment I seem to catch up, and even get ahead, in my studies, something goes wrong and my perfect time-management skills go down the craphole. I'm just illustrating the reason for my lack of entries.

I got my study abroad application today, which reminds me that I need to get in touch with financial aid to talk about my scholarship money and plan my spending money accordingly. I'm going to Germany, come hell or high water!

Other notes of interest is that I have the freaking best boyfriend in the world... but you guys all knew that, so I don't really have to elaborate.

Katie, I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that movie nights aren't working out. However, I found the list so we can still start those up again... eventually.

Tae kwon do is freaking awesome. I LOVE kicking stuff!

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