--don't stand too close without apologies--
11:43 am & Dec. 14, 2005

Berlin was definitely a worthwhile experience, however not quite in the way I anticipated. Some of the speakers were... nicht so gut, aber some were pretty interesting. It was the friends Amy and I that made it so exceptional. We met these two guys, Colin and Chris, and we were a posse. Although I don't think I could offer much insight into anything (both were essentially working on masters), we all had a fantastic time walking around Berlin and playing chess... I really miss them! Hopefully we will manage to keep in touch.

Finals have been a joke, mainly because I have blown off studying. I have worked hard enough to blow off some work.

Last night was the last student night at Flannigans. It was packed, but it was a good time nonetheless. I gave my favorite bouncer a hug and kiss (on the cheek) goodbye. I'm gonna miss him too.

Two days!

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