--when i'm with you, i'm looking for a ghost--
9:47 pm & Jan. 24, 2007

I'm going to have a frustrating semester; I can tell already. The reason for this is due to the very nature of three of my classes. There is no studying for them; it's practice, practice, practice. No alternative. The classes are German Drama (practice reading), German Phonetics (practice making sounds), and Fundamentals of Drawing (practice... weird shit). Repetition drives me insane when progress comes slowly.

I'm already at a plateau with my climbing so I'm already angsty over that. It sucks because this frustration has a terrible habit of spreading to other areas of my life - namely, Travis.

It's not that I'm frustrated with him per se, but it's harder to be patient and understanding. I remember why I cared so little about seriously dating a person. Lucky (or unlucky, depending on your perspective) for Travis, I find him worthy of all the hard work I have to put into it.

I basically have to keep remindig myself that 1) he does not in any way work in the "normal" boyfriend way, 2) it's the small things that really do count. Like taking time out of his day to go to my Katrina Service banquet tonight. He waited 45 minutes to eat, not having anything since breakfast because of his 8am-5pm Wednesday schedule (no breaks), and ate school food instead of going home to where it certainly tastes better.

That is the kind of stuff that I have to remind myself. And I just did. Good job, Christine. You're growing up.

Now all I have to do is stop avoiding the German homework.

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