--cold october fall--
8:11 pm & Oct. 20, 2005

Why is fall that time of year when I am most nostalgic? No matter what is happening to me, I always find myself thinking of past falls. Last year, I yearned for punk shows... this year, I long for football games. Next year, I know I will miss the beautiful streets of Cologne. Damn my fickleness.

I love the smell of dried leaves on the ground. The park across the street from my apartment has dropped many leaves already but there are more to come! I want to go running through the piles like a little kid, but I doubt that will come across well with passerbys.

Cologne has turned gray and cold, but I am surprisingly enjoying it. It is a shock compared to balmy Italy, but it is pleasant to walk around bundled up in sweaters and scarves and rosy cheeks. Maybe I am a bit too romantic with my ideas...

I used to be cursed with deep homesickness but now I have accepted my place and I feel comfortable as I walk through the city. I love the city life and I definitely see myself living in a city when I graduate from college. I play a game where I look for people I have seen before on the subways. I like to see if God has run out of extras in the movie of my life and needs to repeat people. So far... I have only run across 2 people that I have seen more than once, although I doubt they have noticed me.

If there is anything that I miss from home right now, it is Katie. Last night I got this idea that it would be great fun to buy a bunch of cheap, messy food and have a huge food fight. Katie would totally be all over that... but no Katie here to laugh at my idea. Ahh well, only 8 more weeks!

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