--deceitful as a damaged condom--
4:14 pm & Nov. 08, 2005

A good sign for my diaryland: most of the random google hits for my journal are people trying to find music lyrics. I think that is pretty cool.

Now I feel a responsibility to keep this journal fairly up to date with intellectually stimulating ramblings. No, I lied. I don't.

The last week has been filled with me writing a resume and cover letter for this program application and it is driving me up the wall. I take credit for writing it completely on my own; however, it has been through three other people as far as editing goes. Why, you may ask... it is simple, I have never written either a resume or a cover letter and I want to get into the program.

In spite of my awesome help through my parents and Maynard and Armster, I am thoroughly sick of constantly revising it. Granted, it sounds pretty good right now... I'd pick me. I just want to stop worrying about it and send the dumb thing. Then I can start to worry about whether I got in or not. Oh God, I'm a permanent wreck.

In really awesome news, I have been reading A Widow for One Year and it is fantastic. Part of my love for it is the main character who spends quite a bit of time in Germany and especially Amsterdam. Guess what! I know the places John Irving is talking about! I can picture it fairly clearly in my head and I love it. He even mentions Koeln in the passing.

Oh! That instrument guy I mentioned a while ago... I saw him again today on my way to school. The U-Bahn was really busy and I nearly ran into the poor guy when people were cramming their way onto the train. No, I didn't say anything to him. I just blushed like crazy and walked away to find a seat. He got off two stops later.

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