--soon ends your stay here, its been fun--
8:04 pm & Oct. 25, 2005

I love how I go to an internet cafe to accomplish some research for school and I never get to it! I finally got a long awaited email from Katie and I nearly jumped for joy while reading it. What can I say? She is awesome!

LVC finally decided to post the times of classes today and, of course, it is never easy for me to fit what I want. I wanted three hard classes and two general ed's. Spring semester doesn't work out like that for me. Unless Maynard can convince me otherwise, I will probably be taking three ECN classes, one GMN class, and my easy class is a philosophy (damned reading). The bright side is that when I am a senior, I will probably be taking all general ed's and it will be a breeze. Anyway, nothing is final yet. I am still expecting more emails from Maynard (I heart him).

I bought my tickets for the soccer game in Cologne!! It won't be until December and that's the earliest game I could get! Stupid me, I should have bought tickets in the beginning of the season, but I didn't and I now will have to wait. Sabine said she hated soccer games because the Cologne team sucks but the spirit of the fans is the spirit of drunken, overly zealous men. Haha, sounds like a great time.

Cologne weather is frustrating. It rains almost every morning, but then it can rain in the evening or get really sunny. It can't make up its damned mind and I am rarely ever dressed for the weather. Ahh well.

Oh, something cool, a German soap opera was being filmed in the park in front of my flat! I am uncertain which soap opera, but they had taken up all the parking spots and blocked our streets. People were pretty peeved, but I wasn't (yay for metros!). I would have taken pictures of it all, but the security didn't look like they would have appreciated it.

Now, I must go back home and eat. Tonight is salad and bread night. Thank the good Lord for it. For a while, all I was eating were cookies and frozen pizza because Sabine kept working late and wouldn't want to fix anything for supper. Anyway, I hope everyone is well (especially those in Florida). G'night!

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